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Posted on:September 23, 2022 at 03:22 PM

set key value

get key

mset key1 value1 …

mget key1 key2 …

getrange key startindex stopindex

strlen key: gives length of string value. Returns 0 if key not present.

incr key: increment integer value by 1

decr key:

incrby, decrby: increment integer value by specific amount.


expire key 10: expire key after 10 second.

ttl key: time to expire of a key.

setex key duration value.

keys *: show all the keys.

flushall: remove all the keys.

list in redis

lpush key value1

lpush key value2

roush key value3

lrange key 0 -1: show all elements in the list.

llen key: length of the list.

lpop key

rpop key

lset key index value

linsert key before/after value(pivot) value.

lindex key index: see value at a particular index.

lpushx key value: insert only if list exist.


sort key [desc] [ALPHA]

blpop key duration: wait for duration

brpop key duration

sets in redis

sadd key value1 [value2] …

smembers key: list the set elements.

scard key: count the element in the set.

sismember key value: check if element present.

sdiff key1 key2: find difference in two sets.

sdiffstore key3 key1 key2: store difference in set3.

sinter key1 key2 …: intersection of sets

sinterstore key1 key2:

sunion key1 key2 …


sorted sets in redis

zadd key score1 value1 score2 value2…

zmembers key 0 -1


zcount key startrank endrank

-inf inf

zrem key member: remove a member from the set.

zrange key startindex endindex withscores.


zscore key member: show score of a member.

zrevrangebyscore key start end withscore.

zincrby key increment mamber: increment score of a member.

zremrangebyscore key min max

zremrangebyrank key min max: remove members by index.

hyperloglog in redis

Hyperlog is a probabilistic data structure.

Pfadd key element1 …: add element to hyperlog

pfcount key1 …: show count of elements in hyperlog(s).

pfmerge key3 key1 key2: merge into key2.

hashes in redis

hset myhash key value

hmset myhash key1 value2 …

hmget key1…

hkeys myhash: show keys in hash table.

hvals myhash:

hexists myhash key

hlen myhash

hincrby myhash key value

hincrbyfloat myhash key value

hdel myhash key

hstrlen myhash key: gives length of s value in hash.

hsetnx myhash key value: add only if key don’t exists, ie don’t overwrite.

redis transactions

Transactions are atomic.

multi: open transaction terminal. exec: execute the commands.

discard: discard all previous commands.

watch a: watch a value in the transaction.

pubsub in redis

subscribe channel1 …

publish channel1 “message”.

psubscribe news* h?llo: subscribe to a pattern of channels.

pubsub channels: show all non pattern channels.

pubsub numsub channel1: show no of subs for a channel.

pubsub numpat: show pattern based channels.

scripts in redis

Lua is the scripting language.

connection and security in redis

geospatial redis

GEOADD map1 long lat member

GEOHASH map1 member

GEOPOS map1 member

GEODIST map1 member1 member2 [unit]



benchmark in redis

refis-benchmark -n 1000 -d 1000 -c 50

1000 commands, 1000 bytes of data and 50 client.